DogCam – Dog Selfie Filters and Camera

Play some amusing sound effects while your are snapping photos of your dog or puppy. In this was they will be more focused towards the camera phone and you can capture awesome looks. This app play sounds like barking, whistling and we are adding more sounds very soon. You can capture an image or record videos as well.

Let's start Open DogCam – Dog Selfie Filters and Camera

  • Run DogCam – Dog Selfie Filters and Camera to click your pet photo.
  • This app amazing sound that your dog or puppy look in camera and you can easily take photos or video.
  • click on puppy icon to turn on puppy and dog barking music.
  • Click on whistle icon to play whistle music that attract your pet attention.
  • Lot’s of whistle music to play click on whistle icon to play whistle music. 
  • Click on Toy icon to play Toy music that attract your pet attention.
  • Lot’s of Toy music to play click on Toy icon to play Toy music. 
  • click on music setting button to select the default music of each category :
  • After that click on Barking music to change Barking music.
  • Click on whistle music to change whistle music.
  • click on toy music to change toy music.
  • Click on stickers button and choose stickers position and capture photo with amazing stickers.
  • You can apply stickers on live camera.
  • Click on effect button and choose amazing filter effects.
  • Apply Amazing filter effect on live camera and capture pet image.
  • Save and share capture image easily.
  • You can also share your capture photo on social media.